Episode 136
Episode 136 of the show is out. In this episode, I spoke with Max Monge Quineche. I met Max a couple of years ago in a shared temazcal in the Sacred Valley of Peru. I was impressed by his presence in the space and out and got to know him a bit and learn of his work with ayahuasca and the Shipibo. So it was a pleasure to finally sit down and speak with him on the podcast after a few years time. We spoke about his background and coming to plant medicines at an early age, his challenges, the plant dieta, knowledge and wisdom, Western and indigenous cosmovisions, family constellation, and much more. I was really impressed by his wisdom and I think his work with plants really shows in how and what he expresses. For those interested in ayahuasca and plant medicine work, I think this is one of the more informative talks you’ll find. As always, to support this podcast, get early access to shows, bonus material, and Q&As, check out my Patreon page below. Enjoy!
This episode is sponsored by Real Mushrooms. As listeners, visit their website to enjoy a discount of 25% off your first order: https://www.realmushrooms.com/universe
“Psicólogo. Logoterapeuta y Analista existencial. Psicoterapeuta Zen. Constelador Familiar. Psicoterapeuta Iniciático. Practicante del Chamanismo Shipibo, con más de 15 años de experiencia en el camino de las Plantas Maestras. Director de Casa Doctor Centro de Sanación Integral.”
To learn more about or contact Max, visit his Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/casa_doctor/
To view the recent documentary about us, Sacred Tobacco, visit: https://youtu.be/KB0JEQALI_w
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For more information about me and my upcoming plant medicine retreats with my colleague Merav Artzi, visit my site at: https://www.NicotianaRustica.org
To book an integration call with me, visit: https://jasongrechanik.setmore.com
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Music courtesy of: Nuno Moreno (end song). Visit: https://m.soundcloud.com/groove_a_zen_sound and https://nahira-ziwa.bandcamp.com/ And Stefan Kasapovski’s Santero Project (intro song). Visit: https://spoti.fi/3y5Rd4H
Published on 7 months, 3 weeks ago
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