Season 5 Episode 28
All hail Charlotte's Web!
Jack, Lynne and Matt McFarland discuss the ins and outs of using ferns in your landscape and/or your landscape designs.
Matt details the various degrees of success he's had with using ferns and, specifically, fern varieties.
The fern life-cycle is explored. Outside of the spores that we all have heard about puddles and gametophytes feature prominently.
Do ferns display a fall colour change? What varieties would you use to feature this change to its fullest effect?
Ferns and fiddleheads. How should your prepare the fiddleheads for eating?
Companion/pairing plants are discussed when considering ferns. What pairs best in this case? The McFarlands explain. HINT: Think coralbells.
What are the shade/light conditions necessary to fern thrivability.
Ghost ferns, painted fern, cinnamon fern, brilliance autumn fern, ostrich fern and many more are discussed.
Can you split a fern? How so?
Tune in.
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Published on 5 months, 1 week ago
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