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Google DROPS AI Overviews to Just 15% of Searches

Welcome back to another episode of the Niche Pursuits News Podcast!

This week, like every week, Spencer and Jared dive deep into the latest news affecting SEOs, publishers, and entrepreneurs relating to Google, AI, and beyond.

The call kicked off with AI Overviews and a letter from Google’s VP/Head of Search, Liz Reid, in response to pushback from the public about the crazy answers users have been finding.

In the last few weeks, the amount of queries for which AI Overviews has appeared has dramatically dropped, and Spencer and Jared share a graph that shows the niches where it has the largest and smallest presence.

Moving along, they return to a popular topic of late: Google’s API leak, confirmed by Google themselves. 

Spencer and Jared share some of the latest and most interesting discoveries from the leak, like how YouTube comments are a ranking factor for YouTube, whether or not small personal sites are really being torched, and how baby Panda is not the HCU.

They also share tips on how to approach SEO going forward, such as author authority and a focus on short, original content vs. longer, regurgitated content.

If you want to hear their thoughts on what you should do differently in SEO, knowing what we now know, check out the episode!

Moving along to their Shiny Object Shenanigans, Spencer goes first and talks about a challenge he recently revealed where he’s trying to drive traffic from a brand new Facebook page to his website to earn $1000 in just 30 days.

Listen to the episode to find out these details, and if you want to see the actual Facebook page, join the Niche Pursuits Community!

When it’s Jared’s turn, he teases the success he’s having with his newsletter side hustle, but ultimately talks about Amazon Influencer. He reveals how many videos he’s uploaded recently and how much he earned in May.

He also did some digging into a drop he experienced in his earnings and made a funny discovery. Check out the episode to hear what he discovered.

As for their Weird Niche Sites, Spencer reveals r74n, a site with lots of mini-games. He plays around with the most popular one and talks about monetization and the site’s unique features.

He also reveals that it gets 180k organic visitors per month, and in some months over a million organic visitors. 

When it’s Jared’s turn, he shares Green Screen Memes, the largest memes download website for green screen video templates. This DR27 site ranks for 6k keywords, gets some good branded traffic, and has done particularly well throughout all the updates.

He talks about how it works and how it would be relatively easy to set something like this up.

Ready to join a niche publishing mastermind, and hear from industry experts each week?  Join the Niche Pursuits Community here: https://community.nichepursuits.com

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Published on 9 months, 1 week ago

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