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Ancient Secrets for the Modern World - Genesis - God wants to know you spiritually in an intimate way

Ancient Secrets for the Modern World - Genesis - God wants to know you spiritually in an intimate way

Episode 65

In our journey towards a profound relationship with God, we are called to seek a deep and intimate connection, akin to the bond He shared with Adam in the beginning. This quest goes beyond mere religious practices and rituals; it requires us to open our hearts, minds, and lives entirely to Him. By offering our true selves to God, including the most hidden parts of our being, we invite His divine presence to work within us, bringing about profound transformations, boundless joy, unshakeable hope, and a steadfast faith. This path to divinity leads to inner change, spiritual growth, and a profound journey of faith that shapes our very existence. #InnerTransformation #SpiritualConnection #PersonalSurrender #DivinePresence #FaithfulJourney

Published on 8 months ago

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