Editors Note: This episode was originally distributed through TWiP – This Week in Photo, and the YouTube Video above is through the TWiP YouTube Page. Please be sure to subscribe to their YouTube page, and visit their site to check out all of the TWiP shows.
Craig Colvin is an award-winning photographer and educator based in San Jose, CA, and his primary focus is using the human body as art. This is expressed in many forms, but his goal is to use the body to mimic the shapes and curves that are found in nature. This might be the gentle slope of a sand dune, a curve of a rock, or the rolling hills of a mountain range. Making a body conform to natural formations reinforces this similarity between the nature of the body and the nature of the land. His work tends to abstract the body shapes, so the viewer isn’t always sure at first glance if the image contains a body or not.
Craig’s work has been published in numerous magazines and books, and exhibited in galleries and shows worldwide. He teaches photography workshops throughout the US, and online photography courses through the This Week in Photography School.
Join Craig and I on this episode of Behind the Shot as we discuss his image “Rainbow Hills”.
Also, be sure to check out the behind the scenes video of the shoot for photo we are talking about.
Personal: craigcolvinphotography.com
Facebook: @CraigColvinPhotography
Twitter: @craigcolvin
Instagram: @craigcolvinphoto
Photographing the Human Form course on TWiP School
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