Editors Note: This episode was originally distributed through TWiP – This Week in Photo, and the YouTube Video above is through the TWiP YouTube Page. Please be sure to subscribe to their YouTube page, and visit their site to check out all of the TWiP shows.
Joseph Linaschke, or “PhotoJoseph” as he’s more commonly known, is an Oregon based photographer, educator, and the PhotoApps.Expert.
As a “photographic storyteller”, utilizing both still and video, most of Joseph’s work is commercial and portraiture for both corporate and celebrity clients. He has worked with clients such as Apple, Mercedes-Benz, Panasonic, the artist Seal, and the U.S. Army Reserves.
Joseph is also a popular internet content creator. PhotoJoseph’s Photo Moments, a video series that go live on YouTube every weekday at 9:30am Pacific, deals with any photography related topic. He also has several course at Lynda.com.
In 2010, Joseph created ApertureExpert.com, but once Apple’s Aperture was retired, the site evolved to support the growing excitement around digital photography becoming PhotoApps.Expert – a resource for photography apps tips, tutorials, training and presets, supporting Lightroom, Capture One, Aperture, Apple Photos and any number of iOS and Android photography tools. His PhotoApps podcast (formerly TWiP Apps Podcast) is also available at the site. If it’s a photo related app, PhotoApps.Expert should be the place you go.
On this episode of Behind the Shot, join PhotoJoseph and I as we discus his image of a Bread Baker in Tbilisi.
Hub site: joseph.info
Personal site: photojoseph.com
Business site: PhotoApps.Expert
Personal Twitter: @photojoseph
Business Twitter: @PhotoAppsExpert
Instagram: @photojoseph
500px: @photojoseph
Facebook @PhotoJoseph
Google+: @ JosephLinaschke
Published on 7 years, 7 months ago
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