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Ancient Secrets for the Modern World - Noah - Do you feel like you will live on this earth forever?

Ancient Secrets for the Modern World - Noah - Do you feel like you will live on this earth forever?

Episode 46

In this modern era, it can sometimes feel like we have all the time in the world to make decisions, particularly in our spiritual journey. However, just as in the time of Noah, there will come a moment when time is up. The urgency is crystal clear - today is the day to embrace salvation. We should not procrastinate in submitting ourselves to God and following His purpose for us. It serves as a reminder that none of us are promised a tomorrow. Whether we are new to walking with Jesus or have been on this path for a while, there might be a specific calling or longing in our hearts that God is nudging us to pursue. Let's not postpone it until it's too late. Let's take that leap of faith today and carry out what God is urging us to do, recognizing that our time on earth is limited. #Salvation #Urgency #Faith #Surrender #GodsCalling.

Published on 9 months, 2 weeks ago

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