Season 3 Episode 12
“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” - Psalm 23:5
It’s not possible to get through life without facing some hardship and adversity. And unfortunately there will always be people who don’t particularly like us, who do not wish us well, maybe even some who intend us harm.
The key for us is to not allow those people impact who we are or how we show up in the world. Refuse to sip from the cup of bitterness. Don’t drink in their hate. Rather stay determined to follow the shepherd’s lead.
Trust that God will guide us through the harshest environments. That we will find rest in green pastures even if those are surrounded by desert. Trust that God is preparing a table for us.
Trust that what God has for us is for us. Don’t worry about the haters.
I’m Horace McMillon. This is 60 Seconds of Hope. Peace be with you.
Published on 8 months, 2 weeks ago
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