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Guest Kathryn Haycock- Mortgage Specialist & Protection Specialist helping you find the best deals

Guest Kathryn Haycock- Mortgage Specialist & Protection Specialist helping you find the best deals

Season 3 Episode 29

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Kathryn haycock (Kat) mortgage and protection specialist

I have been in the mortgage industry for almost 10 years this year so there’s not many scenarios I haven’t seen. I took the leap to leave my salaried job a year ago to create a better work/life balance for me & my family. Once I had my little girl in 2021 my whole mindset changed, everyone said it would but I didn’t believe them. I’d always been a career girl but being a mum and not having the flexibility I needed, made me resent working. I soon realised being self-employed would give me the best of both worlds and I just want to shout from the rooftops to all mums that you can have it all, you can have a career and be a mum – so long as you have the right support – people who lift you up & want you to succeed – when  you are happy in your work, this snowballs into home life and vice verca! I never realised how much I needed the change, until I plucked up the courage to hand my notice in & my only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner! 

My top 5 tips for first time buyers would be :  

Understand what you can afford. A bank may offer to lend you way more than you are expecting. This doesn’t mean you should buy a property of this amount. Going through a budget planner with a broker can help you get a realistic budget in place.
2. Always speak to a broker – we have access to a comprehensive panel of providers, including lenders that do not deal direct with customers, we also sometimes get exclusive products that are again only available via a broker.
2. Make sure you are on top of your spending and your bank account isn’t going over your arranged overdraft
3. keep up to date with repayments on all credit agreements – the best way to do this is set up minimum payments on everything, if you then wish to pay more, make manual payments!
4. Most people think you need to have the full deposit saved but you don’t! If you are close that you know in the next 2-4 months you would have the right amount then you should get the ball rolling, speak to a broker, look at your affordability, ensure you are not looking at properties on right move that are outside of your budget!
5. Gambling is seen as a negative on your bank so if you put on regular bets this can be calculated into affordability so don’t get caught out on this one.
Putting funny comments in the transfer box will not impact a lenders decision unless it says things like LOAN.
Using a broker can not only save you a lot of time but also a lot of money and I am here to take the stress away from this process and make it a stress free enjoyable experience!

Mortgage protection is just as important if not more important than the actual mortgage.. Just like a sturdy roof over your head, having the right life insurance can provide a safety net for your loved ones.
It’s not just about the ‘what ifs’—it’s about peace of mind and safeguarding your family’s future. Most people don’t think it’s impor

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Published on 10 months, 3 weeks ago

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