Season 2 Episode 19
Just as the people in the wilderness during Moses’s time were living in a toxic environment largely brought on by their toxic attitudes and their toxic behaviors, we live in such an environment now.
When the folks in the wilderness looked looked on the bronze serpent lifted up they were healed. The first step to our healing begins with our recognition of the ways we are toxic. Jesus on the cross opens our eyes to everything that is toxic and dysfunctional in the world starting with ourselves.
Jesus came to show us another way of living in the world as individuals and communities. It’s the way of love. All of us who trust our lives’ journey to that way come into the light. All of us who don’t- remain in darkness. And that is its own punishment.
The father of the prodigal did not punish the son. The world the son embraced punished him. So it is with us. God invites us to live in the light. That’s God’s desire for us and the world.
I’m Horace McMillon. This is 60 Seconds of Hope.
Peace be with you.
Published on 9 months, 3 weeks ago
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