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Despite the cost of living, it remains popular!

In this 2 Sense episode of The Australian Property Podcast, six-time author Pete Wargent and Blusk founder Chris Bates are BACK!

Every week, Chris Bates and Pete Wargent jump on the Australian Property Podcast airwaves to answer your questions or cover the top 3 property news stories of the news. Don't forget to send Chris and Pete your questions!

In this week’s episode, Chris and Pete cover:

  1. Turning point! Inflation fell more than the RBA expected
  2. Tax reforms as the political cycle turns
  3. The suburbs where premium houses and units have outperformed


Rate cuts could stoke pent-up housing demand - https://www.afr.com/property/residential/rate-cut-hopes-could-stoke-pent-up-housing-demand-20240130-p5f10x

Aussie inflation in-depth: encouraging signs - https://www.antipodeanmacro.com/p/aussie-q4-cpi-in-depth

Aussie CPI analysis - https://jamesfostermacro.blogspot.com/2024/01/australian-q4-cpi-06-41yy.html

Negative gearing/franking credits changes not on the table: Chalmers - https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation/politics/no-intention-of-revisiting-negative-gearing-treasurer/news-story/77ded2b1299bccf2a3a23995614f73c8

Negative gearing safe as houses - https://www.macrobusiness.com.au/2024/01/negative-gearing-safe-as-houses/

Poll slide for Labor after Stage 3 tax cuts backflip - https://www.roymorgan.com/findings/9449-federal-voting-intention-january-29-2024

Treasury eyes $60bn tax on family trusts - https://www.afr.com/policy/tax-and-super/treasury-eyes-tax-on-60b-in-family-trusts-20240131-p5f1fr

Suburbs where premium houses outperformed - https://www.afr.com/property/residential/the-suburbs-where-premium-houses-gain-3m-more-than-average-homes-20240122-p5ez55

Where units tripled in value over 20 years - https://www.afr.com/property/residential/the-suburbs-where-units-tripled-in-value-over-20-years-20240130-p5f0yw

📚 Enjoyed this episode? You'll love Kate's book, Buying Happiness, which you can order on Amazon: https://bit.ly/kate-amazon

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