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How to Force a Poinsettia to Flower and Turn Color Again

How to Force a Poinsettia to Flower and Turn Color Again

Episode 544

Poinsettia Resurrection: Bloom Red Again This Christmas!

Your poinsettia might be looking a little worse for wear after the holidays, but don't toss it out just yet! With a little TLC and some strategic darkness, you can coax it back to its vibrant, red glory for next Christmas. 

Step 1: Prune & Prep (Feb-March)

  • Cut back stems by 1/3rd. This encourages bushier growth and more blooms. 
  • Repot (optional): If the roots are cramped, move it to a slightly larger pot with fresh, well-draining soil. 🪴

Step 2: Summer Sun & Growth (April-August)

  • Since our Mountain Climate won’t support Poinsettias outside year-round, consider planting in a container that can be brought inside when the weather turns cold.  
  • Place your poinsettia outdoors in a sunny spot (indirect light is best). 
  • Water regularly and fertilize monthly. Don't drown it, but keep the soil moist. 💦
  • Pinch off new growth to promote branching. This will create a fuller plant with more blooming potential. 

Step 3: Darkness & Transformation (September-October)

  • Time for the magic! Around September 21st, give your poinsettia 14-16 hours of uninterrupted darkness daily. 🌙 Blackout curtains, a box, or even a closet will do the trick!
  • Maintain 60-70°F temperatures. 
  • Continue regular watering but reduce fertilizer. Step 4: Unveiling & Enjoyment (November-December)
  • After 8-10 weeks, you'll start to see those vibrant red bracts emerge!  Gradually introduce more light.
  • Once fully colored, bring your poinsettia indoors and enjoy its festive beauty. 

Bonus Tip: Rotate your plant daily during the dark period for even color development.

With a little patience and darkness, you'll be rewarded with a stunning poinsettia that blooms


#wattersgardencenter, #wattersgardencenteraz, #mountaingardenerpodcast, #top10gardener,

#gardeningtips, #PoinsettiaPower, and #ChristmasMagic, #Poinsettias, #poinsettiacare

Published on 1 year, 2 months ago

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