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RV News Brief | Who owns RVs? Not who you think.

Episode 187

Hey RV Miles listeners! We’re trying something new. We’ve been making these short news videos over on YouTube, and a lot of you find them valuable but aren’t regular YouTube watchers. We’re going to begin adding the audio from these news bits into the RV miles podcast feed, so once or twice a week, you can expect to get a short episode (under 10 minutes) in addition to the weekly podcast you know and love. We hope you enjoy these bits of RV and camping news.

In this new episode, we break down a new report from the RV Industry Association's Marketing Arm, GO RVing, about the changing demographics of RV ownership. You can view the top sheet of the report here: https://www.rvia.org/go-rving-rv-owner-demographic-profile

Published on 3 years, 10 months ago

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