Season 1 Episode 23
Always Dream. Always Strive.
“Lord, grant that I may always desire more than I can accomplish.”- Michelangelo
Let us strive, going forward, to live a life of no regrets, and no what ifs. Die knowing that we have accomplished as much as we could possibly accomplish and have contributed as much as we could possibly contribute.
Make a commitment to look to the horizons. When we stretch ourselves to the limits of our abilities, we find that those limits expand. At any given moment there are limits to what we can possibly accomplish. Always endeavor to go beyond those limits.
The impossible becomes possible for those who always strive, always dream. Yes, we always practice gratitude for where are. We always take satisfaction in what we have overcome. Nevertheless, we must never become complacent. Let us always desire to do more than we can accomplish.
Peace be with you.
Published on 11 months ago
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