Season 1 Episode 21
Get Moving
“Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on.” – Exodus 14:14
Moses was standing around and waiting for a miracle. He knew they Egyptian army was on the way. He believed that God would deliver them. Moses didn’t have a faith problem. He had an action problem. The very next verse in the has God telling Moses to use that staff that God had given him.
How many of us are like Moses? We stand around, looking around waiting for somebody to do something about the problems we face? This is not to diminish the reality or severity of the problems. The Egyptian army coming to capture or kill them. That was a real problem. The bigger problem was that was that Moses didn’t understand that he was the somebody who needed to do something.
Like Moses, we face serious situations. In the face of our challenges, we are also reminded that we are called to use what we have to get through, past and beyond our problems.
Published on 11 months ago
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