Season 1 Episode 20
Be patient and tough; someday this pain will be useful to you.
I’m not fond of the phrase “blessing in disguise”. To me that phrase diminishes the real pain and hardship folk are experiencing or have experienced. We must never do that. We don’t want to dwell in our pain. It needs to be acknowledged.
Ovid’s quote here, and the old expression do point an invaluable truth. Good can, has, and does emerge from even the most difficult circumstances.
It’s important that we not give up or give into our challenges. We always have to be asking ourselves what we can learn from it, how we can grow from it, and what can we do to change and prevent them.
One translation of one of my favorite verses say that God works for the good in all situations. We have been called to do likewise.
Peace be with you.
Published on 11 months ago
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