Season 25 Episode 3
Show Notes: Opening: Topical reading of (Rev.13). Subject matter: (Global Digital ID) The continuing evolution of the (Draconian) digital economy across the globe and at the national level requires individuals to be able to assert their identity in order to participate in that (Draconian) digital economy. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals provide the ambitious target that all people will be able to obtain a “legal identity” by 2030 (SDG 16.9). Yet today nearly 1 billion people are unable to prove who they are. All will be traced and tracked if the UN 🇺🇳 Initiative is accomplished, this will ultimately strengthen the case that Revelation 13 in the New Testament Scriptures have long ago presented. {For those who wish to support the [Show] and its [Research] with Donations, please send them to :$aigner2019(cashapp) or or Zelle(1-617-821-3168).}
Published on 11 months, 3 weeks ago
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