Consider this: Relationships are not by accident, while yet most of us treat them like they are, particularly regarding work relationships. We tend to think I applied for the job and got the relationships as a roll of the dice. But what if that's not true? What if you could actively shape those relationships to become the best possible relationships? How might that impact the quality of your life?
Today's guest is returning champion Michael Bungay Stanier, also known as MBS. He's best known for his book, The Coaching Habit, with over 1 million copies sold and over 10,005 star reviews on Amazon. It's the bestselling coaching book of the century. However, on this episode, we will dive into his most recent book, How to Work with, "Almost" Anyone, which shows us how to build the best possible relationships with the key people we have at work.
Social Media
Part 1. Curiosity and Creating Social Contracts
Embracing "Almost"
There is no "One Size Fits All"
Showing the World You Can Hop?
Reigning in Eldest Child Syndrome
Synchronized Nude Male Modelling for Coaches?
How to Bore and Intimidate Your Audience
The Introduction to Coaching: Volunteering for The Crisis Line
Creating Space to Explore Relationships
The 3 Stages of Entrepreneurship, Where are You?
When Someone Else Wants to Write The Book You've Been Putting Off
The 6th Time is a Charm... If You Are Betting on Yourself!
Unlocking Greatness
1.2 million and a Sprinkle of Fairy Dust
Confronting The Bastardization of Coaching
Creating Social Contracts
Curiosity as The Bedrock of Coaching and Relationships
I and Thou or Transactional Relationship
Dov Baron's brand new course has just beenPublished on 1 year, 1 month ago
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