First, back in October last year, the Financial Times reported that the US had prevented a conspiracy to assassinate Khalistan separatist Gurpatwant Singh Pannun on American soil. According to US authorities, an Indian official named Nikhil Gupta was implicated in the plot to kill Pannun. Gupta was arrested in Prague last June and has been in custody, undergoing trial ever since. To know more about the charges against him, my colleague Niharika Nanda speaks to Indian Express' Chief of the National Bureau Ritika Chopra.
Second, with the upcoming Lok Sabha Elections, parties will be making promises as they want to come to power. Promises that will include the implementation of direct benefit transfer schemes.Now over the years, these schemes have been criticised for making people lazy, and simply increasing the government’s spending. But is that really the case? To find that out, we speak to Indian Express’ Udit Misra in this segment.
Lastly, Indian Express’ Parthasarthi Biswas explains the reasons behind the skyrocketing garlic prices.
Hosted by Shashank Bhargava
Written and Produced by Shashank Bhargava, Niharika Nanda and Rahel Philipose
Published on 1 year, 2 months ago
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