It’s rare that I have a guest on Behind the Shot that has redefined their genre of photography, but Peter Hurley is one of those guests. Headshot photography has existed for a long time. I remember driving around L.A. years ago dropping off voice over demo tapes – actual tapes – at various agencies. These voice over agents were also acting agents, so you’d see headshots often. In those days it was the 8 x 10 glossy, with a portrait orientation 8 x 10 headshot on the front with a few different poses and outfits on the back. Then, something changed… the ground under the headshot industry shifted, and that was in large part due to Peter Hurley.
Fitting that narrative, Peter Hurley is somewhat of a rare breed. His journey through life has had him riding the waves around the world on a sailboat, plastered his mug in magazines modeling for the likes of Polo and Abercrombie & Fitch and put over 15,000 faces just a few feet in front of his lens.
Peter redefined headshots with his new “classic” style. Shooting in landscape orientation, often on a solid white, black, or grey background, Peter would also crop tight into the subject’s head. The first time I saw his work I immediately felt like I was looking at the person in the photo through a window. There was an energy, a realness to the image. It’s like the person in the photo was enjoying themself, and I’d suggest that last part is Peter’s magic formula – even more than the creative presentation.
Peter’s prowess behind the camera fueled his desire to educate and he has spoken at Google, Apple, Microsoft and TEDx. In today’s photography world, Peter is headshots. If you’re at a conference and see the word “Headshot” on the schedule the chances are pretty good it will be Peter up on the podium. His coaching/ referral platform for photographers, called Headshot Crew, comprises the largest group of headshot specialists in the world.
Kicking his entrepreneurial side into high gear he founded a photography gear company called HURLEYPRO, which makes and collaborates on some really cool gear. He also co-founded a new discipline called PsyPhotology, a unique concept of intertwining psychology with photography. That kind of goes back to the magic Peter brings to his work. He has a way of capturing the real person, not just a posing one. That is a skillset that I have rarely if ever seen before.
And now, Peter is adding author to his list of accolades after releasing his highly anticipated book, “The Headshot.” I look forward to getting my hands on a copy of this book. Peter calls New York City his home, where he lives with his wife and twin daughters.
One of my favorite parts of doing this podcast is when my guests get involved in the pre-show thought process, and this show may be the best example of that yet. The night before we recorded Peter reached out with an idea, and I instantly answered yes! His thought was, what if we have the subject of the photo join us on the show, and it was a pleasure to welcome actor, singer, and songwriter Marina Pires to Behind the Shot. It was so refreshing to hear Marina’s take on being Peter’s subject. She was able to answer a number of questions I had on what I consider to be Peter’s magic… his connection with his subjects, an
Published on 3 years, 11 months ago
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