Episode 913
Unleash the Power of Emotional Intelligence: Is Your Trust Pipeline Clogged?
Hold on tight because we're about to dive into the world of Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Recent data reveals a shocking decline in our EQ since the pandemic hit. As a leader, this should set off alarm bells in your mind. But what does it mean to attract and retain top talent? Let's get real – self-awareness, especially emotional self-awareness, can be a real puzzle if we haven't honed our emotional intelligence. You may have dabbled in EQ training and skimmed a few books, but do you truly grasp the essence of Emotional Intelligence?
Emotions can be a pesky nuisance, cropping up at the most inconvenient times and leaving us baffled. But what if emotions are crucial to unlocking immense value within your organization? Prepare for an electrifying journey with our special guest, Mr. Joshua Freedman. As the co-founder of Six Seconds, Joshua has spent 25 years collaborating with leaders at global giants like FedEx, the UN, and HSBC to harness the power of emotions. Six Seconds, a worldwide community of EQ experts, is on a mission to empower a billion people with emotional intelligence across
Joshua is a master-certified coach (International Coaching Federation) and the international EQ Coach Certification leader. He is an international bestselling author of, At The Heart of Leadership, one of five books he's written, including Whole-Hearted Parenting. Joshua leads two ongoing research projects, The Workplace Vitality Report and The State of the Heart, which is the world's most extensive study of EQ. He's co-author of the POP-UP Festival, in partnership with UNICEF World Children's Day, a free play-based curriculum introducing SEL to 1.5 million children and adults.
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Part 2) Breaking The Bottle Neck in Your Trust Pipeline
Curious to discover how tapping into the Anatomy of Meaning can #actualize your #business, #culture, #Leadership and Published on 1 year, 4 months ago
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