Season 1 Episode 9
I was inspired to create HER Conversations in September 2017
I reached out to the women that I knew to invite them to be interview for the series.
So thank you to
Abi Osho
Alexis Jones
Anita Mckenzie
Courtney Amundson
Donna Owindi
Kristina Wingeier
Lorraine Whyte
Rachael Welford
Sharleen Linton
Sharon Curry
Shola Kaye
For agreeing to come onboard from a simple email. Ideas only ever grow with support.
Putting together a series like this requires consistent work. I want the production to be the best I can do and there is so more much I want and need to do. But no complaints at all. It has been a great learning experience. This has shown me what I have the capacity for.
This weeks episode is a compilation of answers to the same 2 questions.
The first is the opener to all episodes.
HER is an acronym for Higher Energetic Resonance, when do you feel your most HER?
Did you answer for yourself?
When do you feel your most HER?
The second question will hopefully get you thinking too.
During our lives we meet so many different people and engage is so many exchanges. Some may be fleeting, while others develop into lifelong relationships. What we can never be sure if is the impact a casual phrase may have on somebody else.
It could quite literally change the course of their lives.
I wanted to find out from my guests what was the best piece of advice another woman had given them.
I hope this episode provides some inspiration for you.
Published on 7 years, 2 months ago
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