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Creating Awakened Children with Chelsea Wiley

Creating Awakened Children with Chelsea Wiley

Season 1 Episode 17

My guest this week is Chelsea Wiley. Having previously worked as labour and delivery nurse following the traditional protocols, her subsequent training with midwife Ina May Gaskin opened her up to a different view of the birthing experience. 

Chelsea is a certified family nurse, Kundalini Yoga and meditation teacher and also the author of Mystical Motherhood, a step by step guide to bringing more awakened souls to the planet. 

Chelsea's viewpoint is counter to what we have taken as truth surrounding conception, birth and raising children but as I read her book her methods made perfect sense.

Changing the future has to involve doing even the most fundamental things in a different way. 

You will learn so much from our conversation including: 

The power Mother’s have to choose the type of child they bring into the world 

Why it is essential to for women to minimise the stress during their pregnancies 

Her thoughts about placing putting our children out on social media 

 And much more... 

Find out more about Chelsea’s work at http://www.mysticalmotherhood.com

Published on 6 years, 10 months ago

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