Unleash the Power of Purpose: Discover Your Cause for a Life of Substance!
Dying to find your true purpose? Look no further! Unearth the secrets to a meaningful life by tapping into the unstoppable force of finding your "cause."
Hold on tight because we're about to dive into uncharted territory. Brace yourself for an epic adventure as we unveil the answers to life's burning questions.
Our special guest, Sharon Jessop, hailing from South Africa, is here to guide us through this incredible journey.
Sharon has done extraordinary things, but she does not claim to be any different than the rest of us other than finding her cause. She's a wildlife warrior, conservationist, ultra-endurance athlete, and an adventurous entrepreneur. Sharon shares her thrilling experiences, heartwarming stories, and mind-blowing encounters; get ready to be inspired!
From running expeditions through 28 of the big 5-game reserves to promoting rhino conservation, Sharon has braved the toughest challenges. She's even explored the most remote areas and biggest townships in South Africa, engaging in life-changing conversations along the way.
Join us as Sharon unravels the myths, breaks barriers, and shows us that South Africa is far from dangerous. Get ready to ignite your passion and unleash the power of purpose in your life!
Sharon Jessop is a wife, mother, adventurer, entrepreneur, keynote speaker, and storyteller obsessed with beautiful places, wild spaces, and gorgeous South African people.
She is a serial entrepreneur involved in various enterprises, including a professional business consultancy to assist and support the non-profit organizations she works with.
Social Media
Part 2) Dispelling Motivational and Safety Myths
Dov Baron's brand new course has just been released on coursifyx.com/belongingTitled: "CREATING A CULTURE OF BELONGING."
The course is separated into eight sections that will take you by the hand and walk you through exactly how to create a culture of belonging.
Get Ready to strap on the tanks and Dive Deep into, What it Takes to Create a Culture of Belonging in your organization!
Curious to know more, coursifyx.com/belonging
"Those Who Control Meaning for The Tribe, Also Control The Movement of That Tribe"
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Published on 1 year, 4 months ago
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