Congressman Keith Self says this is a heavyweight fight for Speaker. We should expect to see it go 12 rounds. We need time for the holdouts to get over what they’re angry or frustrated about and come over to the Conference nominee, Jim Jordan. Representatives are getting slammed with calls telling them to get a Speaker, not to think about a bipartisan government or a Democrat Speaker. Callers are saying they want a Republican Speaker and they want one now. Self says once Congress started abdicating its responsibility to departments and agencies is when we started seeing the Executive branch go well beyond the Constitution, expanding authority so Congress doesn’t have authority it should have. We’re seeing it in the Executive orders passed and the Fed. The entire federal govt. is taking authorities they don’t have under the Constitution. Self says this fight is much bigger than Jim Jordan. The swamp is in full attack mode against Jordan right now. They see an actual threat to the money and power they control. This is a battle they’ve been moving toward since January. Self, a former Special Forces and Airborne Officer says he’s standing firm with Jim Jordan and expects this to go several more rounds. Self encourages everyone to keep calling because the grassroots are making a difference and have already flipped a few votes. Please call your representative at the Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121
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Published on 1 year, 3 months ago
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