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Athletes try to outrun dope testers, GDP vs employment, and September rains

Athletes try to outrun dope testers, GDP vs employment, and September rains

First, Indian Express’ Andrew Amsan tells us about the cat-and-mouse game that unfolded at the Delhi State Athletics Championship finals, with doping officials chasing athletes.

Next, Indian Express’ Udit Misra discusses a new report by the Azim Premji University, highlighting that focusing on GDP hasn't been particularly effective in generating significant job opportunities in India (09:12).

And in the end, Indian Express’ Rural Affairs Editor reveals how this month's rainfall has brought immense relief to Indian farmers, especially after the extended dry spell in August (19:28).

Hosted, and written by Shashank Bhargava
Produced by Shashank Bhargava and Utsa Sarmin
Edited and mixed by Suresh Pawar

Published on 1 year, 5 months ago

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