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How to protect the rainforests

How to protect the rainforests

Rainforests help prevent our planet from overheating and deliver the oxygen we breathe but are under attack at an alarming rate. This week, eight South American presidents have been meeting in Brazil, where they all agreed to stop the rainforest’s destruction before the point of no return. But deciding on a destination is one thing, while agreeing on how to get there is something else. So how to turn talk into action? Gina McCarthy was EPA administrator under President Obama and subsequently served as President Biden’s top climate advisor, helping spearhead a landmark climate bill to slash America’s carbon emissions. She joins Christiane to discuss. 

Also on today's show: Journalist and author Sally Hayden; British Labour MP Chris Bryant; Toshi Yoshihara, Senior Fellow, Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments 

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Published on 1 year, 5 months ago

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