Rep. Bob Good says we’re on the verge of revealing the biggest political scandal in American history. The Whistleblowers are longtime credible sources and possess great courage to testify against the Biden Regime, which doesn’t hesitate to retaliate against Whistleblowers. Rep. Bob Good says Biden has always had trouble with the truth, embellishing his resume and plagiarizing over the past 35 years. What is the Biden family business other than corruption, influence peddling and bribery? Joe Biden has told the military the number one threat is climate change. Can you imagine China, Russia, Iran or North Korea being concerned about climate? Biden also says the military is a white supremacist organization with white nationalists permeating its ranks. Biden, Mayorkas and Garland should all be impeached. Republicans must have the stomach to follow through and take whatever actions are necessary to save the country.
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Published on 1 year, 6 months ago
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