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NPD Part 2 Healing From A Narcissist

NPD Part 2 Healing From A Narcissist

Hey Angels!!!

So, I have about 3 editors doing three different jobs and my editor for my podcast is learning the ropes with me so we are learning each other's style and everything in regards to the scheduling of the visual part of the podcast as well as the visuals and we will have a set soon I promise! I am also STILL under the weather, after I filmed this it got worse, and now I have developed a cough. I am feeling better, but the coughing is embarrassing lol. I hope you have enjoyed this! I also want you to know that I am in bridesmaid duty and I film on sundays and I was suppose to film 2 episodes but I was not feeling well at all and was going to do it next Sunday but, I can't because my best friend's Bridal shower is next Sunday....which means Idk HOW im going to film between trying to schedule with my editor, and coughing up a storm.... UGH... Anywho I just wanted to share.

Here is the book I reference

And this is video one and video two that I reference going more in depth about what the book says about NPD!

Published on 1 year, 7 months ago

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