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Latest AI trends: AI-powered tool that allows shoppers to see how clothes look on different models; What are deepfakes? How fake AI-powered audio and video warps our perception of reality ; Workers are using AI to automate being human;

Latest AI trends: AI-powered tool that allows shoppers to see how clothes look on different models; What are deepfakes? How fake AI-powered audio and video warps our perception of reality ; Workers are using AI to automate being human;

Season 3 Episode 13

Google launches a new AI-powered tool that allows shoppers to see how clothes look on different models

What are deepfakes? How fake AI-powered audio and video warps our perception of reality

Google, maker of AI chatbot Bard, warns its employees about using chatbots

Don't share confidential information with any AI chatbot.

Workers are using AI to automate being human

Artificial Emotions

Study Shows Ai Could Add $4.4 Trillion of Value Annually

92% of programmers are using AI tools, says GitHub developer survey

Is it possible to use AI to create a 3D realistic world from Google street view data?

42% of CEO Survey Thinks AI Could Destroy the World in 5-10 Years

Daily AI News

Would AI be able to accurately, reconstruct Dinosaur DNA based off of the DNA Sequence of the bones we have?

This podcast is generated using the Wondercraft AI platform, a tool that makes it super easy to start your own podcast, by enabling you to use hyper-realistic AI voices as your host. Like mine!Attention AI Unraveled podcast listeners! Are you eager to expand your understanding of artificial intelligence? Look no further than the essential book "AI Unraveled: Demystifying Frequently Asked Questions on Artificial Intelligence," now available on Amazon! This engaging read answers your burning questions and provides valuable insights into the captivating world of AI. Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your knowledge and stay ahead of the curve.Get your copy on Amazon today!

Published on 1 year, 7 months ago

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