Book Reference: The Catalyst - How to Change Anyone's Mind, by Jonah Berger Video Reference: Alright, Sprinkler Nerds, Marketing Nerds, Tech Genius's, and every other entrepreneur joining me today. Welcome to the Sprinkler Nerd Show! This is episode #120 and I'm so glad to have you today First, thank you for helping me grow this podcast. The benefit of growing the podcast is that I can help more people. I don't make any money with this podcast, the goal of the show is not me, it is you - and the more people who listen, like, and subscribe, and share, means that more people will discover the show and the more people we can help - so thank you. Today's episode is 2 topics that I have blended together. #1 - Is about the book The Catalyst by Jonah Burger. Now if you've read it, read it again. If you've read it twice, read it again until you can memorize the book and know every ounce of it and how it applies. Keep reading it. This is one of those books that belongs in your personal growth toolkit. And I will link to it in the show notes. I want to give this book some credibility because the more I learn about Jonah Berger the more I find that he is one of the smartest marketing minds of our lifetime - and this is because he studies it scientifically from the human psychology side - NOT from the conversion and transaction side. And it is my belief that if you understand human behavior, that you can market to anyone, sell to anyone, and make an impact on anyone, and so for me, this book is an incredible read. Actually, it is probably one of the best books that has led to my success with customer journeys and being able to do what I do because of how he teaches customer psychology, and how to actually create things that move that make an impact, and to become a catalyst for people to change. I like the way that sounds, become a catalyst for people to change. Technology adoption is all about change, and your job is to be a catalyst for that change. Today I'm only going to touch on the first section of the book, called, REACTANCE. Because this week I received a YouTube comment that was a bit triggering a first. I reminded myself to take a breath, and not to respond until I had 100% clarity. And this reminded me of section 1 of the book, about Reactance. So I wanted to share that with you. Before I read the YouTube comment and talk about how I used ChatGPT to help me craft a response, I wanted to share a bit about REACTANCE, what it means, and what you will learn in the book. 1- Reactance
Published on 1 year, 8 months ago
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