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NP 19: How to Build Mobile Apps Using Existing Code and More!

In podcast 19 of the Niche Pursuits Podcast, I was able to sit down with Elaine Heney and discuss her business of building mobile phone applications.  She has currently built over 200 iPhone or Android Apps and only started about a year ago!

I was completely amazed at the success she is having, and knew I had to have her on the show.

Elaine has an interesting story because she's not a programmer and was just tired of working for someone else (sound familiar?).  After creating her first app, she saw a little bit of success...not much, but enough to keep her intrigued by the app market.  As a result, she did something that I could never do...she quit her job before she was really making much money!

She decided that she was going to give herself a few months to do nothing but work on her iPhone app business...and well, it turns out that it worked big time!

She has now built over 200 mobile phone applications and is comfortably living off this full-time business.  She share tips on building iPhone apps and more on her blog at: TheChocolateLabApps.com.

Published on 11 years, 6 months ago

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