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143 - How I learnt Chinese, part 5: Returning to Sweden

143 - How I learnt Chinese, part 5: Returning to Sweden

Season 1 Episode 143

Learning Chinese full time is easy, the hard part is to make progress, even when you’re occupied with other things.

Link to article: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠How I learnt Chinese, part 5: Returning to Sweden: https://www.hackingchinese.com/i-learnt-chinese-part-5%ef%bc%9a-returning-sweden/⁠

#learnchinese #mystory #sweden #languagelearningjourney

Chinese listening challenge, May 2023: ⁠https://www.hackingchinese.com/chinese-listening-challenge/⁠

Hacking Chinese Pronunciation: Speaking with Confidence: ⁠https://www.hackingchinese.com/courses/mandarin-chinese-pronunciation-course/⁠

 Listen to this and other episodes on your favourite podcasting platform, including Apple Podcasts, Breaker, Google Podcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, Spotify and YouTube: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.hackingchinese.com/podcast⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

More information and inspiration about learning and teaching Chinese can be found over at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.hackingchinese.com⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Music: "Traxis 1 ~ F. Benjamin" by Traxis, 2020 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (3.0)

Published on 1 year, 10 months ago

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