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#116 - Field Capacity My Ass!

#116 - Field Capacity My Ass!

I've title this episode, Field Capacity My Ass, because honestly, using terms like field capacity can easily confuse the average person.   So I wanted to take 5 mins today, and share my experience understanding field capacity, the importance of it, and some tip to help you better understand it.   #1 Let's define field capacity   Soil field capacity refers to the maximum amount of water that soil can hold against the force of gravity. It is the point at which the soil is fully absorbed with water and excess water has drained away. At field capacity, the soil is holding as much water as it can, and any additional water that is added to the soil will drain away due to the force of gravity.   Seeing this on a graph is the best way to understand this concept. The graph looks like a tall spike, then a slow curve down. It is the slow curve that illustrates field capacity.   Another way to describe field capacity, is WET. Not too wet, not too dry, just right. It's Goldilocks. And you can measure it. It's a scientific measure.    A second way to think about this, is like a percolation test. Where you dig a hole, fill it up with water, and watch it drain over time. The faster is drains, the more sand is in the soil, and the slower it drains, the more clay is in the soil. Or - based on the drainage rate it can also describe the soil compaction and soil structure, because the soil type is only one variable that will determine the drainage rate - and Field Capacity.   Ok - got it?   Field Capacity = perfectly Wet. Goldilocks wet.   Now, here is where it get really fun, and where current manufactures have kind of missed the mark - in my opinion.   In my opinion they have missed the mark because they forget to think about the user.   Engineers know exactly what all of this means, and they know exactly how to set the sensors, and have almost 20years of experience, I know how to set sensors. However, the average knuckle dragger has no idea, and the first question they always ask, every time, is how to set the sensor.   Let's talk about this.   Field Capacity, allowable depletion, permanent wilting point, etc. can be confusing as hell.   Here is my tip.   If field capacity, IE Wet, equals Full, than full must equal 100%.   The soil profile is a tank, and at field capacity, the tank is full. 100%   This is where manufactures should set the calibration. Instead of displaying a percentage of volumetric soil moisture, they should allow the user to set the tank, and instead, display a % full.   How much water is in the soil tank.   Is it 100% full, 50% full, or empty.   It doesn't really matter what the actual volumetric soil moisture percentage is. It maters more, what the percentage is relative to field capacity.   let me give you an example.   I get a phone call and the customers say, "hey Andy, my moisture sensor is reading 28.5%, what does that mean and how do I set the sensor?"   My response - I have no freaking idea.   Why?   because I need more information. I need to know what field capacity is, before I can understand 28.5%   Is this making sense now?   Maybe 26% is field capacity, which would be 28.5% is saturation.   Or, maybe field Capacity is 32%, which would mean the soil tank is 50% full.   Every moisture reading must be compared to field capacity, of the same sensor. Not field capacity of another sensor, only field capacity of the same sensor.   for this reason, I always recommend pouring a bucket of water over the sensor, or enough to actually saturate the sensor, than wait 24hrs, like a Percolation test, then take a reading and see what it is - or run a report remotely and look at the data.   Write that number number down. That is your Baseline - pun intended!!   My very general broad approach that works most of the time, is to take away 20% of the number, and use that as depletion.   Now you know your tank size.   Let's pretend 30% = Field Capacity or Full   using my 20% depletion rule, dry would be what?   if 10% of 30 is 3%, tha

Published on 1 year, 9 months ago

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