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The Truth Behind Outcomes that will Make You Rethink Your Goals

The Truth Behind Outcomes that will Make You Rethink Your Goals

Episode 12

The Truth Behind Outcomes that will Make You Rethink Your Goals

Discover the Difference Between Goals and Outcomes: An In-Depth Discussion of the Two Mentalities and How They Affect Your Success. 

Leaders, are you stuck waiting for a better outcome? Do you strive for ever- changing goals? Your mentality may be the obstacle keeping you from success. 

Today, we discuss the differences between outcome mentalities and goal mentalities. One main variance: the gratification! 

Dov’s view: “A goal is a marker along the path, understanding that that path, that journey isn’t ending…and each one of those goals is emotionally driven…and then you proceed in the process of joy and celebration as you move closer towards, not when you get there. So with outcomes, we tend to say “I’ll be happy when” … everything is postponed to the future and that’s joy postponement.” 

In this episode of the Mind Mastery Podcast, Dov Baron is joined by guests: Scott Paton and Shane Jeremy James as they discuss the differences between goal and outcome mentality. 

James is the founder of Shane Jeremy Media, Branding Talent and Actions of Compassion. In addition to being a critically acclaimed author, he is a board member of the of Volken Foundation and has developed numerous programs and coached thousands of marketers world-wide on leadership and marketing.

Paton, an executive producer and co-host for over 35 podcasts, is an internationally renowned speaker and currently teaches courses in strategy, management, relationships and more for students in over 190 countries via Udemy. In addition, he is currently a podcaster with Life Enthusiast. 

To find out more about Shane Jeremy James: https://www.facebook.com/shanejeremyjames 

 To hear more about his books: http://amzn.to/2BZZetS

To find out more about Scott Paton: https://www.facebook.com/scottapaton

 To hear more about his courses: https://www.udemy.com/user/scottpaton/

"I trust that you found this episode valuable, if so, feel free to send this to your friends. I eagerly anticipate your feedback and comments.

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I created the Authentic Leadership Matrix after a lot of experience and research. One of the questions I'm asked often is what authentic leadership is and how do we define it. As a result, I created the matrix. It splits what leadership is into five separate categories. So, that you can take a clear look at how you perform in each of the five main areas that are required for you to become a world class authentic leader. The process takes you through each category simply with yes or no questions. http://matrix.fullmontyleadership.com/

With gratitude, Dõv Baron

“In 2015, Dov Baron was cited by Inc Magazine as one of the Top 100 Leadership Speaker to book for your next conference! He speaks internationally and is The Leading Authority on Next-Gen Authentic Leadership and creating a Culture of Fiercely Loyal Leaders. FullMontyLeadership.com

P.S. To get your hands on Dov Baron’s new book “Fiercely Loyal” How High Performing Companies Develop and Retain Top Talent, go take a look here http://fiercelyloyalbook.com and get your FREE: How to instantly bond any team infographic”

To contact: Dov Baron International, and Authentic Paragon Alliance INC. Contact Authentic Paragon Alliance at +1 778 397 7717 http://FullMontyLeadership.com”

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Published on 16 years, 9 months ago

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