Stories are not stagnant. They are ever-changing. They evolve over the years. Dov talks about the evolutions of stories at Apple and Microsoft. When you master how to tell stories about your company, you'll discover an interesting fact: Stories are told and retold. One of the less obvious characteristics of being a great leader is “empathy”. Empathy must not to be confused with sympathy. Sympathy enables people being stuck. One the other hand, empathy is a vital element of being the most effective Full Monty Leader possible. Empathy, in it’s simplest form, is the ability to proverbially walk a mile in someone else’s moccasins. However, there is a deeper understanding and value to empathy when applied to leadership and intelligence. A leader without true empathy is very likely to have rigid opinions, beliefs and judgments. E.G: there’s only one-way to see/do “this”. Get bonus content on Patreon
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Published on 10 years, 11 months ago
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