What stories galvenize your team? What creates deep vulnerability? Does it give the listeners a lump in their throat? It's a polarizing story. Those that resonate with your story are bond tighter to your vision. Those that don't are better off somewhere else. I have seen many people reach goals that they once thought were impossible and yet, instead of the long lasting delight they expected, at best they experience momentary celebration and at worse they encounter depression, despair and a genuine lost of meaning and purpose. “It” is rarely the answer Now before I go on, don’t for a moment think that I am against setting and achieving goals. Certainly, go ahead and set goals for yourself, but rather than pushing to achieve them, be drawn through curiosity to discover them.Did you see the difference? One way uses force and self-will to accomplish a goal; the other allows the path to the goal to unfold naturally through the use of curiosity. Sadly, as the ego-mind develops, we throw out curiosity in favor of certainty. Unfortunately being right becomes more important than discovering. Here’s how this process stumps us: Assuming, and then looking for evidence that we were correct in our assumptions, blinds us to the answers and insights that lie just outside our frame of reference. As someone who is committed to to being/becoming a Full Monty Leader; I challenge you right here, right now to decide to become curious about everything, (particularly about the things you are sure you are most certain of). The ability to do this is an advanced sign of emotional intelligence with significant benefits to you as a leader and as a human being. Get bonus content on Patreon
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Published on 10 years, 11 months ago
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