Does Purpose Matter?
Absolutely it does!
However, if we don't execute on your purpose, you might as well not have one Louis Efron is the author of several book: His first was: How to Find a Job, Career and Life You Love and his latest: PURPOSE MEETS EXECUTION: How Winning Organizations Accelerate Engagement and Drive Profits.
Louis Efron is a contributing writer for Forbes and Huffington Post. His career credits include International VP of HR for JDA Software, VP of HR for the Fortune 300 medical device company, Stryker and Broadway theatre. And being Head of Global Employee Engagement for a little company named Tesla Motors.
He is an award winning human resources executive, entrepreneur, writer, theatre director, producer, consultant, speaker and founder of the charity World Child Cancer USA.
He has lived and worked throughout the US, Europe, Africa, and Asia.
He studied Labor Relations at Cornell and Advanced Leadership at Harvard Business School.
more on our guest Louis Efron:
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Published on 7 years, 5 months ago
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