As a leader we know that we are held to high expectation; some of those expectations are real and even appropriate, while some of them may not be.
Further more: We as leaders may be holding false restraints on ourselves, telling ourselves “this is not how a leader should be” or what a leader should do… But the question becomes:
Do these restrains make us better leaders…or do they make us less of ourselves and in turn make us less authentic and invariably less effective.
Our guest today believe that this is certainly the case.
Jeffrey Slayter is a positive disrupter of psyches (in a good way), having played the role of transformational coach and facilitator and spoken to over three million people from twelve different countries.
He’s shared the stage with other incredible thought leaders like Sir Richard Branson (founder of Virgin), Dr. John Demartini (star from the movie The Secret), Frank Kern (the highest paid direct response internet marketer in the world), Tim Ferris (Author Four Hour WorkWeek), Tony Robbins and many others.
Jeffrey questions the validity of the beliefs that are holding leaders back. Having coached some of the worlds leading coaches, Jeffrey Slayter has a level of mastery in facilitation that will have even the most skeptical of clients melting away years of being “stuck” in debilitating patterns.
Whether you’re building a billion dollar company or about to break through to the 7 figure mark, there are some core human behaviors that Jeffrey will help you embody faster than almost anyone else.
Some of the world’s biggest game changers, social entrepreneurs, internet marketers and consultants have reported that Jeffrey’s golden edge is to integrate “purpose with profits” in a way that brings greater meaning to the work they are doing here in the world.
More on Jeff Slayter:
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Published on 7 years, 5 months ago
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