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How To Build An Army of Loyal Followers

How To Build An Army of Loyal Followers

We all know that the days of a leader hiding out in their ivory tower are over.

The outstanding leaders of today understand that a huge part of leadership is Influence, and if you can’t get your people to follow and be loyal, you are going to struggle to influence them to execute at the highest possible level.

So what does it take to build that kind of loyalty, to build an army of loyal followers who will be there for you through think and thin?

Well stay tuned because our guest on this episode is Rick Barker.

In 1989, Rick Barker was living homeless on the streets of Los Angeles, addicted to Crack Cocaine.


Fifteen years later, he launched the career of one of the biggest music stars in the world: Taylor Swift.

Now 50 years old and 25 years sober, the motto he lives by is,

"Your past does not dictate your future."

He strives to teach artists to look at themselves as the businesses they are.

Business’s that they must lead.

With major changes in the music industry and digital world, artists today have the ability to build an audience and get their music heard like never before. The game of music has changed, but so has the game of business and leadership. The Question is: Are you changing with it?

Find out more at: http://RickBarker.com

To find out more about hiring the host Dov Baron  http://fullmontyleadership.com/consulting or http://fullmontyleadership.com/speaking

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Published on 7 years ago

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