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1/1 John Hope Bryant: Five Rules for Your Economic Liberation

1/1 John Hope Bryant: Five Rules for Your Economic Liberation

John Hope Bryant:

The true power in this world comes from economic independence. We're all striving for something better. Rebuilding the Path to the Middle Class. However, it's pretty clear that the majority of people did not your the memo on money and free enterprise.

But do we have to step on others to get there or can true power in this world come from creating economic independence for anyone who wants it and is willing to learn how to get it?

Stay tuned because you are about to find out.

Our guest on this extended episode is John Hope Bryant. He's been an advisor to 3 presidents and was named 2016 “Innovator of the Year” by American Banker magazine. 

John Hope Bryant is an American entrepreneur, author, philanthropist, and prominent thought leader on financial inclusion and empowering the underserved. He is illuminating the path toward liberation that is hiding in plain sight for the struggling middle class and the invisible class. 

The true power in this world comes from economic independence. His message is simple: the supermajority of people around the world who live in poverty haven't gotten "the memo" on money and free enterprise--until now. 

John is the author of bestsellers, “How the Poor Can Save Capitalism: Rebuilding the Path to the Middle Class”, and “LOVE LEADERSHIP: The New Way to Lead in a Fear-Based World.

His book, “The Memo: Five Rules for Your Economic Liberation,” was released in September 2017, debuting as the #1 new release in budgeting and money management on Amazon. 

To find out more about John Hope Bryant https://johnhopebryant.com



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Published on 2 years, 7 months ago

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