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Dr. Ellen Langer: The Art of Noticing Mindful Leadership  [audio]

Dr. Ellen Langer: The Art of Noticing Mindful Leadership [audio]

In a world where we know engagement sucks, if we are going to be world class leaders, we must have the self accountability to ask ourselves, are we really engaged….Are we fully present and mindful? 

Forget The Mother of Dragons, on the episode we go Full Monty with the Mother of Mindfulness!

As a leader you know that engagement is a very real issue. Too often our employees and team members seem distracted. It’s a constant struggle to find new ways to not only keep good people, but to keep them engaged…and a new ping-pong table isn’t going to cut it. 

So in a world where almost everyone on the workforce seems to be, to a varying degree, living on the ADHD spectrum, how can we raise not only the engagement of our teams, but also of ourselves? 

Well stay tunes because our guest on this episode is Dr. Ellen Langer. She is a social psychologist and the first female professor to gain tenure at the department of Psychology at Harvard University. She is often referred to as the mother of the Mindful Movement. She is an artist and the author of eleven books. Over the last 35 years, she’s written more than two hundred research articles for general and academic readers on mindfulness.

She is also the recipient of four distinguished scientist awards and the Liberty Science Genius Award.

On this episode we go Full Monty about:

  • Mindfulness; The Power of Mindful Learning
  • The Art of Noticing 
  • Mindful aging
  • The illusion of control
  • Counterclockwise: Mindful Health and the Power of Possibility
  • Mindfulness and Health, weight loss, vision, diabetes, and colds even stage four breast cancer
  • Why being Goal driven is contradictory to being Mindful
  • Mindful Purpose Vs Soulful Purpose
  • Commitment and Agility

And so much more.

Dr. Ellen Langer is a fascinating individual, she sees the world quite differently that your standard psychologist. There's a wonderful calm irreverence that I personally found very endearing.

To find out more: www.langermindfulnessinstitute.com and www.ellenlanger.com

To find out more about hiring Dov Baron as a speaker or strategist for your organization: http://fullmontyleadership.com/consulting or http://fullmontyleadership.com/speaking

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Published on 5 years, 10 months ago

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