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Brandon Evans: Lost on Purpose

Brandon Evans: Lost on Purpose

Creating Conscious Leadership and Conscious Businesses

We leaders come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and varieties; as leaders we are all driven. The questions that we so often skip over is: Where are we really driving to, and why?

If you are a highly successful leader or entrepreneur, you have likely had at least a couple of moments where you’ve wondered what’s it all about. You've maybe even asked yourself what the real point is, or why you're even pursuing whatever it is that you are pursuing. For some leaders, getting to the heart of what that question means is a natural evolution, while for others it's forced by a painful circumstance or situation. Nonetheless, we all get there eventually! 

The question is: What has to happen for you to have the kind of awakening that will transform the meaning of your life? 

Well, stay tuned because our guest on this episode is Brandon Evans.

Brandon is a serial entrepreneur who previously built two companies valued at over $100M, but after experiencing what he describes as a spiritual awakening. His focus has shifted dramatically! 

Brandon's new company, 1heart, has a mission to foster a new generation of heart-led leaders who are birthing conscious companies, ultimately using business as a force for good to transform lives and the planet. 

On this episode we go FullMonty about:

  • Facing the dilemma of having all the success, yet realizing he was out of sync with his values
  • Facing the internal battle of letting go
  • How he (and many other leaders) try to do the inner journey of self discovery and fail (until they don't)
  • Heart-led leadership
  • The viral article he wrote, titled: Lost on Purpose
  • What does it mean to be a conscious leader?
  • Is there a place for what some call "woo-woo" practices in leadership?
  • Getting fired by investors from the company he founded (after 3 straight years of 300%+ growth)

And so much more...

Find out more about Brandon Evans: http://1heart.com or https://www.1heartjourneys.com/

To find out more about hiring Dov Baron as a speaker or strategist for your organization: http://fullmontyleadership.com/consulting or http://fullmontyleadership.com/speaking.

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Published on 5 years, 9 months ago

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