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Rocky Romanella: Tighten The Lug Nuts

Rocky Romanella: Tighten The Lug Nuts

The Truth & Lies about “Balanced Leadership”

Every leader has, or at some point will, find themselves looking for balance. But what does “balance” actually mean, and is it even possible? 

Well, stay tuned because our guest on this episode is Rocky Romanella.

With over 40 years of boots-on-the-ground leadership experience, Rocky Romanella is the founder and CEO of 3SIXTY Management Services, a management consulting firm. Rocky has created a balanced Leadership Model: there is a laser focus on customer needs, employee empowerment, and the demands of shareholders. 

As an experienced CEO, Rocky led one of the most significant re-branding initiatives in franchising history, in which he revolutionized the $9 billion retail shipping and business services market of the UPS Store.

He also led the integration of more than 20 acquisitions that eventually became UPS Supply Chain Solutions, leading to its new and improved financial performance, capabilities, and global network footprint.

Rocky has the rare ability to see today's rapidly changing business landscape and use that vision, along with his passion for developing strategies, tactics and metrics, to drive desired results.

On this episode we go FullMonty on:

  • Why bad news is good news for real leaders
  • The Lug Nuts of leadership
  • What his wife’s parenting taught him about leadership
  • Why values matter
  • Why it’s quite rare for companies to know the real answer to the question: “Who is the customer?”
  • The three toughest and most important questions every leader must ask themselves
  • The culture of silent sanctioning 
  • The most challenging leadership decision Rocky ever had to make

And so much more...

To find out more about Rock Romanella: http://3sixtymanagementservices.com 

To find out more about hiring Dov Baron as a speaker or strategist for your organization: http://fullmontyleadership.com/consulting or http://fullmontyleadership.com/speaking.

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Published on 5 years, 9 months ago

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