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On this episode we take a look at leaders who without even knowing it, following the herd and why they do!

As an outstanding Leader you know: Theory and reality are different!

Maybe you can claim to be in the trenches. But can you get out long enough to get some genuine perspective. 

To be able to actual see, know and deal with the counterproductive business practices going on under your nose? 

Well let’s find out together…

My guests on this episode is returning champion Dr. Lance Secretan

After building a very successful company from scratch into a global enterprise of 72,000 full- and part-time employees, he retired. 

Then he wrote a book about our 14-year odyssey and taught budding entrepreneurs in an advanced university graduate program until one day he realized the university wasn’t the real world.

This gentleman’s resume could take an hour on its own, but here’s some highlights: Dr. Lance Secretan is the author of 21 books. 

Lance is a riveting speaker. He’s the former CEO of a Fortune 100 company, university professor, award-winning columnist, poet, author and athlete.

He coaches and advises leaders globally (he is ranked among both The Top 30 Most Influential Executive Coaches, and The Top 30 Most Influential Leadership Experts globally), among other things he’s helped 6 companies to be named to Fortune’s Best Companies to Work for in America list, author of 21 books on leadership. Including his latest THE BELLWETHER EFFECT

Dr. Lance Secretan

On this episode we go FullMonty on:

  • The the 3 counterproductive business practices going on under your nose
  • Why CEO's are still doing these counterproductive business practices
  • The Employee Engagement Paradox
  • The significant and important difference between Motivation and Inspiration
  • We speak his brief departure from writing about leadership in a fairly recent book he wrote titled: A Love Story:
  • An Intensely Personal Memoir...(have a hanky handy)
  • Is it time to change our business language
  • His work as President of the Pay it Forward Foundation
  • Skiing Double Black Diamond runs with leaders
  • The 3 execrators of Mastery.
  • Being a child acting star
  • Is Business War?
  • The Queen/Fredy Mercury connection
  • Separating need from desire
  • Why leaders cling to what doesn't work

And so much more...

To Find out more about Dr. Lance Secretan: http://Secretan.com

To find out more about hiring Dov Baron as a speaker or strategist for your organization: http://fullmontyleadership.com/consulting or http://fullmontyleadership.com/speaking.

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Published on 5 years, 7 months ago

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