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Stan Slap: Under The Hood

Stan Slap: Under The Hood

Tough Times - Tougher Teams! Stan Slap 

Everyone is on edge, the looming recession, warring nations, The #GreatResignation, #QuietQuitting and any number of other issues. What to do, well according to our guest, when the going gets tough, you better have built tough teams.






Stan Slap. Stan is a New York Times bestselling author and a renowned thought leader in achieving maximum commitment from the three specific cultures that are deciding your company's success! He knows how these cultures work and how to get them to work for you. Stan Slap says: Anyone who considers this soft stuff is clinically insane. It is the stuff of hardcore business results!

Stan is the CEO of SLAP, the international consulting company that has––for 24 years, in 44 countries–– countries––achieved many billions of dollars in performance improvement for many of the world’s most successful and demanding companies. He's a NYT multiple bestselling author of “Bury My Heart at Conference Room B” and most recently: Under the Hood: Fire Up and Fine-Tune Your Employee CultureFind out more about (guest) Stan Slap http://SLAPcompany.com 

Twitter https://twitter.com/stanslap 

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/stan_slap/








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Published on 2 years, 3 months ago

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