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This Week in Niche Pursuits News: What Jobs Will AI Replace? Google Releases Bard! 3 Weird Niche Sites.

Welcome to another episode of "This Week in Niche Pursuits News!"

This is a show where we talk about the most recent industry news, share success stories, discuss our shiny objects, and reveal a few weird niche sites we've run across.

In today's episode, I'm joined by co-hosts Jared Bauman and Jake Cain.

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“This Week in Niche Pursuits News”

Google Bard opens up to beta users.

OpenAI release paper theorizing which jobs will be eliminated by AI:An Early Look at the Labor Market Impact Potential of Large Language Models

“Now That’s Impressive!”

Shiny Object Shenanigans

  • Spencer's "Faceless" Youtube channel now has over 580 subscribers.
  • Jared continues to grow his Weekend Growth newsletter
  • Jake is using Hubble AI tools to create a trip planner, hashtag generator, and more

“One Weird Niche”

  • SaveTabSoda.com/. Tab Soda was discontinued by Coca Cola in 2020. Passionate fans are trying to bring it back

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