Any decent human wants to stand up for the oppressed. We want to be allies… but is that enough? Are we willing to vote with our feet and walk away from dysfunction? What genuinely drives workplace equity and inclusion―beyond strategies and systems? Are we willing to get off the fence and do something? If so, what can we do beyond doing the "right thing?" What's in it for you as a leader or an organization? Let's find out.
Our guest for the next two episodes is Tara Jaye Frank. Tara is the author of, The Waymakers: Clearing the Path to Workplace Equity with Competence and Confidence. She is a culture and leadership consultant and an all-around believer in our ability and responsibility to do better by our talent. Tara works with C-suite leaders in Fortune 500s to help them cross the bridge from where they are to where they want to be.
Tara was recently named a SUCCESS 125 honoree by SUCCESS Magazine and named among CORE Magazine's 100 Most Influential Blacks in 2022. Tara Jaye Frank is an equity strategist, born as a bridge, and she now shares how they can be a bridge with the top organizations. She has advised and educated thousands of Fortune 500 executives across multiple industries.
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Part 2) Clearing the Path to Equity with Competence and Confidence.
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Published on 1 year, 11 months ago
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