Remember when the US economically ruled the world?
You may already be pushing back, saying, "we still do". Are you sure about that?
Is the US still the #1 investor or the #1 trading partner worldwide? If you said yes, strap yourself in because you're in for a shock. If it's not the US, who is it, and what does it mean for the rest of the world? That's where we're going for the next two episodes with our guest and returning champion, John Perkins, AKA The Economic Hitman.
In John Perkins's latest book, he states that we are at the beginning of the third wave of Economic Hitmen strategies rolling out across the world. If you think this is some conspiracy theory, consider that this is the work of a man with an intimate insider pass and the highest possible credentials.
John Perkins is an economist, author, and activist. As Chief Economist at a major consulting firm, John was an advisor to the World Bank, UN, IMF, Fortune 500 corporations, and leaders of countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and US government agencies.
His eleven books have been published in more than 35 languages and sold over 2 million copies, including Confessions of an Economic Hitman, Touching the Jaguar, and Shapeshifting was on The New York Times bestseller list for over 70 weeks.
John’s latest book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, 3rd Edition, describes China's economic hitman strategy and the need to transform a failing, degenerative death economy into a regenerative life economy. John Perkins has lectured at more than 50 universities and has been featured on ABC, NBC, CNN, Time, The New York Times, Elle, Der Spiegel, and many others. He became a founder of the non-profits Dream Change and The Pachamama Alliance.
In his latest book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, 3rd Edition, he describes the unforgivable acts he committed as chief economist at a major US consulting firm and the crimes executed by the CIA assets, known as jackals, who stood behind him. John exposes the Economic Hit Men strategy" that took on new and ominous proportions after China entered the fray in the early 2000s. He then offers a plan for converting the resulting failed, degenerative death economy into a regenerative life economy and how we can help make that happen.
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Part 1) The Four Pillars of Global Control
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Published on 2 years ago
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