Episode 10
An interview from July 2008 with France Guillain, the author of Le Bonheur d’être nu. Le Naturisme, un art de vivre. (The pleasure of being nude. Naturism, an art of living.) France has written many books on naturist health that have sold millions of copies throughout Europe. She has also shared her knowledge and experience through hundreds of articles, radio interviews and televisions shows. She currently teaches healthy living at conferences, seminars and through naturist retreats.
Ms. Guillain shares with some of her philosophies about naturist health, child rearing, sexuality and gender roles. She also talks about her fascinating life raising 10 children (5 adopted) as naturists. Finally, we discuss naturism in France and at her home club, Heliomonde.
We start the show by reading a very amusing blog post on “Nipple Radiation” from My Secret Public Blog: Naturist, Nudism and other stuff.
The song at the beginning of the show is:
Being a Nudist by The Naked Drummer & the Baileys Road Band.
You can read more about the band, listen to other songs and purchase their CD at: www.baileysroad.com
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Published on 15 years, 4 months ago
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